DM-0009_SaniTrend® Cloud CR Insights & Insights+_IOM_Rev2.0

c. Cleaning System Data – Cleaning Cycle Reports (Overview)

Run Time

Note (3)

Note (2)

Notes 1. The Cleaning Cycle Reports tab contains all cleaning cycle information for any aborted or completed cycle ran from a SaniTrend Cloud connected cleaning system. 2. The tab on the left that shows immediately contains each cleaning cycle ran in the filtered search criteria. By default, the last 7 days of cleaning cycle reports are shown. This can be hidden or shown by selecting the “<<” or “>>” icon on the tab. 3. Each cleaning cycle report’s approval status is noted by a banner on the left side, with the following color coding:

a. Green = Cycle Approved b. Red = Cycle Disapproved c. Grey + White Striped = Cycle Not Approved

4. IMPORTANT NOTE: Cleaning cycles are generated for any recipe that has been run for between approximately 5 seconds and 8 hours long. Recipes run for < 5 seconds are not stored and are likely occurring due to testing activities with the system. Recipes over 8 hours long are very uncommon and data capture becomes too large for recipe capture. This filter also eliminates conditions where a user starts a recipe and stops it without aborting or continuing the recipe for many hours or even days. Regardless of report capture, the raw system data is logged and available within the Data Trending section.

Run Time

DM-0009_SaniTrend® Cloud CR_IOM_Rev2.0 DRAFT

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