Note (1a)
Notes 1. The remaining area includes the following sections:
a. Top Header – general information specific to this cleaning cycle i. Cycle ID – the unique ID for the cleaning cycle that was ran ii. Recipe – the recipe name that was ran for this cleaning cycle
iii. Recipe Number – the recipe number that was ran for this cleaning cycle iv. Cycle Status – whether the cleaning cycle was “Complete” or “Aborted”
v. Approval – the approval status (not approved, approved, disapproved) of the cycle vi. Alarm Count – the number of alarms that occurred during the cleaning cycle vii. User – the user that was logged in at the time of starting the cleaning cycle viii. Start & End Time – the local date and time that the cleaning cycle started and ended ix. Run Time – the actual run time of the cleaning cycle (includes durations of stopped or alarmed periods, system holds for heating/fill time/etc.) x. Programmed Run Time – the time that cleaning system was programed to run for based on the selected
Run Time
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