DM-0009_SaniTrend® Cloud CR Insights & Insights+_IOM_Rev2.0

g. Cleaning System Data – Cleaning Cycle Reports (Reviewing Recipe Steps)

Programmed Run Time

Run Time

Notes 1. The specific cleaning cycle recipe steps (aka OpCodes) can be reviewed in this tab. This is useful for a quick overview of actual steps in the cleaning cycle, and a quick glance at what specific steps may have taken longer than anticipated. The following data is presented: a. Step – the step # within the overall cleaning cycle, in sequential order.

b. OpCode Description – the name of the step or OpCode c. OpCode Number – the number of the associated OpCode d. Start / Stop Time – the step’s time that it started and ended e. Run Time – the actual run time of the step or OpCode f. Programmed Run Time – the duration of time that was inputted into the recipe of the program for the step to run

i. IMPORTANT NOTE: Programmed times for steps such as sump/water fills and drains are typically set to a programmed time of “0:01” or less time than actually expected for the step to take, because the end of the step is triggered by meeting a step hold condition (e.g., fill level reached or empty level reached). As such, durations for these steps are expected to be longer than the programmed time. For the impact of this on OEE calculations, please see the Cleaning System Data – OEE section.

2. This data can also be exported to a table – in the lower right select “Export Trend Data” to download a .csv file of the tabled data.

DM-0009_SaniTrend® Cloud CR_IOM_Rev2.0 DRAFT

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