DM-0009_SaniTrend® Cloud CR Insights & Insights+_IOM_Rev2.0

l. Cleaning System Data – OEE (Parameters)

Notes 1. The cleaning system OEE parameters are defined and explained below: a. Availability

i. Answers the question – “How well is my cleaning system being used during planned cleaning time?” ii. Negative impacts to score – Time spent not running the cycle, such as downtime caused by alarms or by operator stops . iii. General Comments – the availability parameter can and should ideally operate near 100%. If running below 100%, investigate what is causing the degradation in score and see if those alarms or stops have a root cause and attempt to resolve. b. Performance i. Answers the question – “Is anything (particularly utilities for the system) slowing down my cleaning cycle speed?” ii. Negative impacts to score – Cycle step holds such as fill holds, empty (drain) holds, temperature holds, conductivity holds, etc. iii. General Comments – the performance parameter is one that based on how Sani-Matic cleaning systems are programed, will often times be closer to a score of 60-80%. This is because programmed times for steps such as sump/water fills and drains are typically set to a programmed time of “0:01” or less time than actually expected for the step to take, because the end of the step is triggered by meeting a step hold condition (e.g., fill level reached or empty level reached) which optimizes cycle time. As such, the performance score will drop due to this programming methodology. The ideal performance score will be different based on the recipe setup. Thus, the key to monitoring the performance parameter is to monitor change over time. If a score of 75% is seen at initial startup and optimization for a recipe, monitor this value over time. If a degradation in score occurs, investigate what steps are seeing larger programmed vs. actual run time differences and perform a root cause analysis. c. Quality iii. General Comments – the quality score is a good “go/no-go” indicator for a good cleaning cycle. If the initial cleaning cycles are verified or validated, and an executed cycle completes and no steps were skipped, critical parameters for cleaning were met and this is a very good indicator that a cleaning cycle was successful. As such 100% scores should be expected for quality. Scores below this are likely indicative of manual intervention (aborted cycles, skipped steps) which leads to an incomplete cycle. i. Answers the question – “How often am I not completing a full cleaning cycle?” ii. Negative impacts to score – Aborted cycles or skipped steps will degrade the score.

DM-0009_SaniTrend® Cloud CR_IOM_Rev2.0 DRAFT

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