DM-0009_SaniTrend® Cloud CR Insights & Insights+_IOM_Rev2.0

Notes 1. The Connection Status section shows information related to the connection of the system to the SaniTrend Cloud network. This includes:

a. isConnected – connection is present to the cloud b. isReporting – dataflow is present to the cloud

c. UpdatesPerSecond – number property updates being sent per second d. StoredUpdateCount – number of property updates being stored e. DroppedUpdates - number of property updates that did not get sent to the cloud f. ActiveTagCount – total number of properties that are connected g. TotalTagCount – total number of properties h. IndustrialThingCount – number of SaniTrend Cloud connected systems used by the Kepware software

DM-0009_SaniTrend® Cloud CR_IOM_Rev2.0 DRAFT

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