ATEX Spate Cleaner TANKO-EX-S and ATEX Spray Cleaner TANKO-EX-RB
“Technische Regel für Gefahrstoffe” (German technical rules for hazardous materials); these rules reflect the state of the art, occupational medicine and occupational hygiene as well as other sound scientific knowledge for activities involving hazardous materials, including their classification and labeling.
up / down
Spray template up / down
v eff
effective vibration velocity
Units of Measure
The following indicated factors are intended for orientation and the conversion of the SI units to common units of measure for the American market.
Unit of measure for pressure p [bar] All pressure [bar] specifications stand for positive pressure [bar] [bar g ] unless expressly described otherwise. Conversion: 1 bar = 14.50376… psi [pound -force per square inch] Unit of measure for temperature T [degrees Celsius] Conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit: °C 1.8 + 32 = °F [degrees Fahrenheit]
Unit of measure for time t [hour]
Unit of measure for mass m [kilograms] Conversion:
1 kg = 2.20462 … lb [Latin libra; pound]
Unit of measure for volume flow rate V [liters per minute] Conversion: 1 l/min = 0.06 m 3 /h [cubic meters per hour]
1 l/min = 0 .26417 … gpm (US) [gallons per minute (US)] 1 m 3 /h = 4.40286 … gpm (US) [gallons per minute (US)]
Unit of measure for illuminance E v [Lux]
Unit of measure for length l [meters] Conversion: Unit of measure for length l [millimeters] Conversion: 1 m = 3.28083… ft [feet]
1 mm = 1/25.40005 in [inches] = 0.03937 in [inches]
Unit of measure for moment/torque M [newton meters] Conversion: 1 Nm = 0.737 lbft [pound-force + feet] Unit of measure for speed n [revolutions per minute] Conversion: 1 U/min = 1 rpm [revolutions per minute]
Unit of measure for length l [micrometers]
Translation-Operating/Installation Instructions 2017/10
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