DM-0008_Hygienic Spray Deflector_IOM_Rev2.1

Installation & Operation Reference the latest edition of the Hygienic Component Solutions catalog for Cv and dimensional information to determine pressure drop through HSD for venting and installation height prior to installation. The HSD is installed as shown in Figure 2 – clamped directly onto the tank port in which it will be blocking solution from exiting. Above the HSD the venting apparatus (e.g., gooseneck vent, u-bend overflow, mushroom vent) that is used with the tank can then be installed.

Figure 1: Installation of HSD The HSD should be installed when the tank is being Cleaned-In-Place (CIP’d) or other process steps are occurring where spray overflow through the vent is to be minimized. The HSD can be removed from the installation after these processes and Cleaned-Out-of-Place (COP’d) as needed.

Assembly The HSD component assembly contains four (4) sub-components:

1. Hygienic Spray Deflector – Deflector 2. Tri-Clamp 3. Tri-Clamp Gasket 4. Hygienic Spray Deflector – Body

The deflector is inserted into the body with the gasket installed between the two; the two units are then clamped together.

DM-0008_Hygienic Spray Deflector_IOM_Rev2.1

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