ECE #1001_Ace Sanitary_Seal-Rite™ Hose

Testing & Results

Details of Test

This test utilized ribofavin testing, an industry recognized method of spray coverage testing. Removal of ribofavin in this test proves that spray coverage is achievable for the equipment when utilizing the specifed cleaning system. When a ribofavin test is successful, cleaning the equipment of any product of can be successful through use of the correct combination of cleaning parameters (TACT - Time, Action, Chemical, Temperature) for that particular product and process.

Ribofavin Applied - Standard Hose

Three (3) 30 second recirculated rinses through both chamber rotary sprays & the active rack was performed for this test.

Ribofavin Applied - Seal-Rite Hose

30 sec


Results A standard hose crimp creates a crevice on the outside of the hose capable of holding ribofavin, resulting in a failed ribofavin test. This will likely create unsanitary conditions and harborage bacteria while in process use over time.

The gasket seal design of the Seal-Rite hose did not hold any ribofavin solution and had no fuorescence.

Post-Test Standard Hose

Crevice allows for harborage of ribofavin

Gasket seal prevents harborage of ribofavin

Post-Test Seal-Rite Hose


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