Mini retractor system TANKO-RF

The manufacturer accepts NO liability for damage arising from such improper use. The owner bears the sole risk. The device must not be put into operation until it has been assured that all the safety equipment is in full working order and the plant in which the device is installed meets the safety requirements of all relevant European directives (e.g. the Machinery Directive).

2.2 Spare Parts, Replacement Parts and Accessories WARNING Risk of damage, malfunction or complete failure of the device!

Incorrect or faulty spare/replacement parts and accessories will put the functional safety and reliability of the device at risk. The failure of components or a device malfunction can

cause material damage and consequential damage. There is a risk of death or severe physical injury. • Only use the manufacturer's original spare parts.

We expressly draw attention to the fact that spare parts and accessories NOT supplied by AWH have NOT been checked or approved by AWH. The installation and/or use of such products could therefore, under certain circumstances, result in changes with negative results to the properties of the device specified by its design and the higher-level plant. AWH is not liable for any damage arising from the use of non-original parts or non-original accessories. Standard parts can be obtained from specialist dealers. 2.3 Duties of the Owner The device is used in the commercial sector. The owner is thus subject to the legal obligations regarding occupational safety. In the EEA (European Economic Area), the national implementation of the Framework Directive (89/391/EEC) on taking measures for improving safety and protecting the health of employees during work, as well as the associated individual directives shall be observed and complied with in their current valid versions. The Directive (2009/104/EC) on the minimum specifications for the safety and health protection of employees using equipment for their work is of particular importance in this context.


Operating/Installation instructions 2023/09

2 Safety

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