Mini retractor system TANKO-RF

Return Delivery: In the event of a possible return delivery, pack the device parts so that they cannot become damaged during transport. If possible, use the original packaging and the original packaging material. If neither

is available any more, request a packaging company with specialist personnel. • Consult AWH if you have any questions regarding packaging and transport safety.

4.1 Packaging The device is supplied fully assembled. The packaging is adapted to the transport conditions. Required accessories, spare parts, operating or installation instructions and technical documents are packaged separately and enclosed with the delivery. The packaging should protect the device up until the time of installation against transport damage, corrosion and other damage. Therefore, do not remove the packaging until shortly before installation. NOTE Hazard as a result of incorrect disposal of the packaging! Packaging materials are valuable raw materials and can frequently be re-used or processed and recycled practically. Improper disposal can cause environmental damage. • Dispose of packaging materials in an environmentally sound manner and have them recycled. • Adhere to the locally valid disposal regulations.

4.2 Transport

NOTE Improper transportation can result in damage to the device. The functional safety and reliability of the device may be impaired. • Observe the symbols and instructions on the packaging. • Always transport the device in dry condition. • Protect the device from impact. • If possible, use the original packaging for transport. • Proceed with care when unloading the device and when transporting it on your premises. • Do not remove the packaging until shortly before installation.


Operating/Installation instructions 2023/09

4 Transport and Storage

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