Mini retractor system TANKO-RF

6.2 Function Check/Trial Run All the screw connections on the device are firmly tightened in the factory. Nevertheless, a trial run should still be carried out to check that the device functions safely and reliably, and that it is leak-tight once installed. Only operate the device in perfect condition. The container to be cleaned must be emptied and depressurized. WARNING Persons in the container. A person could be hit by a jet from the cleaning head! There is a risk of death or severe physical injury. • Do NOT start the cleaning process while there are persons in the container. Function Check 1. Close all of the openings on the container (e.g. inspection openings). 2. Switch off all moving parts in the container (e.g. agitators) and secure them to prevent them from being inadvertently switched back on or set in motion. 3. Check to ensure that there is a safe distance around the container and to the surrounding components. 4. Switch on the device (see Section 6.3 Switch-on Procedure ). 5. Check the interfaces on the device for impermeability. 6. NOTE Risk of collision with moving parts! Observe the following steps if components in the container need to rotate during the cleaning process: • Start up the surrounding components (e.g. agitators) step by step. • Carefully check that the cleaning head and surrounding components (e.g. agitators) do NOT collide while moving simultaneously. 7. Make sure that there are no unusual vibrations.

8. Check the device to make sure that it is running smoothly. 9. Switch off the device (see Section 7.2 Switch-off Procedure ).

6 Start-up

Operating/Installation instructions 2023/09


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