Mini retractor system TANKO-RF

8.3 What to do in Case of an Emergency If a hazardous situation occurs, or if you need to avert a potential danger, quickly set the device to a safe state. The type of EMERGENCY STOP circuit used for the device is to be determined depending on the hazards and operating conditions and is the sole responsibility of the owner. It is for this reason that AWH can offer the owner, solely as a precautionary measure, a few points of reference and notes to be observed and to be integrated into the owner's hazard assessments. – The work steps for switching off the device listed in Section 7.2 Switch-off Procedure must be adhered to. – The EMERGENCY STOP circuit must be designed in such a way that the machine or system operator can actuate it immediately in the event of an emergency. – Switching off in an emergency (“EMERGENCY STOP”) is intended to disconnect the entire machine from the supply voltage without delay in order to eliminate the risks caused by electrical voltage immediately. – Stopping in an emergency (“EMERGENCY STOP”) is intended to prevent risks which cause hazardous movements as soon as possible. – The EMERGENCY STOP must have priority over all other functions and actuations in all operating modes. – Resetting must not cause the plant/machine to start up again.

Source: – EN 60204-1 / VDE 0113-1 “Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines – Part 1: General requirements” – EN ISO 13850: “Safety of machinery - Emergency stop - Principles for design”

In an Emergency: Trigger the EMERGENCY STOP function at the higher-level plant/machine. • Actuate the EMERGENCY STOP switch • Interrupt the actuator energy supply – Disconnect the power supply (e.g. electric actuator) – Switch off the higher-level main switch – Pull out the power plug – Close the compressed air shut-off valve (e.g. pneumatic actuator) • Interrupt the supply of cleaning medium (actuator energy) – Close the shut-off valve


Operating/Installation instructions 2023/09

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