TD-0008_SaniCab® PC_Technical Datasheet_Rev3.0

7.2 Recirculation System The recirculation system draws cleaning solution from the chamber sump and distributes it to the chamber’s rotary sprays It is self-contained within the system’s footprint • Recirculation system components − One (1) 30" tri-clamp pneumatic butterfly valve for system drain − Two (2) pneumatic butterfly valves for chamber zone selection (PC365 Model) − Three (3) 075" tri-clamp chemical injection ports − One (1) centrifugal supply pump ◊ 316L stainless steel wetted materials with EPDM elastomers ◊ 3500 rpm, TEFC Washdown Duty (IP55) motor − One (1) Angle-Line Strainer with tri-clamp connections − One (1) Strainer Insert (0015" wedgewire, reverse rolled, 3-A/NSF 14159-1 compliant) − One (1) temperature transmitter with 30-230°F range and 4-20 mA output − Two (2) pressure gauges with a 0-100 psi range ◊ The pressure gauges are installed with one upstream and one downstream of the Angle-Line Strainer This allows for monitoring of the soil loading of the Angle-Line Strainer through differential pressure − One (1) sanitary piping manifold − One (1) sample valve for operator sampling

Table 6: Pump Data

Pump Rating

Chamber Model




PC335 PC365

15 15

200 200

50 50

NOTE: • The PC365 model has two separate wash zones allowing for water to be directed either to the front of the chamber or to the back of the chamber • The standard butterfly valves do not meet 3-A Sanitary Standards

7.3 Heating System The electric immersion heater is the standard heating option within the recirculation system The following components are included:

• One (1) Sanitary heater housing assembly • One (1) Inline electric immersion heater − Material: 316L Stainless Steel − Connections: Tri-clamp − Size: See Table 7: Electric Heater Data − Protection: High-temperature thermocouple

Table 7: Electric Heater Data

Approx. Heat-up Time 68 °F to 140 °F (min)

Chamber Model

Electric Heater Size (kW)

PC335 PC365

45 45



NOTES: • The typical temperature drop of the cabinet wash water is 20°F due to the required heating of the cabinet, rack, and parts The electric heater will take approximately 2-3 minutes per cleaning cycle step to recuperate this initial heat loss • The standard electric heater does not meet 3-A Sanitary Standards 13


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