DM-0018_CleanWorx™ CyClean™ 35_IOM_Rev1.2

Step 5: The first screen on the CyClean, shown below, is referred to as the Home Screen and allows the operator to select one of the three (3) Wash Recipes located at the bottom of the screen. This can be done by touching the button image on the HMI touchscreen or by pushing the corresponding “F#” button located directly below the button image. If a screensaver is active, simply touch anywhere on the screen to disable it. Once a Wash Recipe is selected, the button will be highlighted white, the selected Wash Recipe will be displayed in the center of the screen, and the next button will appear, allowing the operator to advance to the next screen. Once the desired Wash Recipe is selected, press the next button. This portion of the manual is intended to only cover what is required to run one (1) of the three (3) available Wash Recipes . There are advanced features and functionality covered in section 5.2) Advanced Settings and if changes to the Wash Recipes are desired, they are covered in section 5.4) Configuring a CyClean Wash Recipe .


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