DM-0018_CleanWorx™ CyClean™ 35_IOM_Rev1.2

At the top of the Summary Screen, all available outputs are displayed. By default, they are grey, however, when a function is activated, the background will change to green. If an output is manually bypassed to an “on” status, it will highlight white; and if an output is bypassed to an “off” status it will highlight red. A description of each output is listed below.





The motor/pump is running

Chemical is being injected

The heater is active Note: the heater only activates when the motor is active.

Sanitizer is being injected

The drain valve is open

The exhaust fan is running

The water fill valve is open

In the center of the Summary Screen, depending on how the CyClean is configured, certain status sensor bars will be displayed along with a progress bar. The progress bar is intended to get a sense of how many Steps are completed to how many Steps are remaining. The progress bar does not have any correlation to time. The sensor bar operates similarly to the outputs. The bar of the actual value will be red if the sensor is reading a value less than the desired setpoint. If the actual value is greater than the desired setpoint, the bar will change to green.




(Top Bar) Current Sensor Value (Bottom Bar) Desired Sensor Value


Approximate duration of the current Wash Recipe


CleanWorx ™ CyClean ™ 35 IOM

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