DM-0018_CleanWorx™ CyClean™ 35_IOM_Rev1.2

Manual On/Off Outputs Menu Screen

The Manual On/Off Outputs screen allows the user to select any of the CyClean outputs and toggle them between ON, OFF, or AUTO. By default, and for a Wash Recipe to be run, all outputs must be in AUTO, which will allow the CyClean to automatically control that output. To diagnose an output, the user can highlight the desired output and select MANUAL ON to manually turn that output on. To turn that output off, highlight the desired output and select either MANUAL OFF or AUTO. Due to built-in safety logic, the pump cannot be turned on unless the low- level sensor is active, and the heater cannot be turned on unless the recirculation pump is running (on).

Button Image Function



Move the highlighted row up one space.


Move the highlighted row down one space.

Manual On Manual Off

Manually turns on the highlighted output.

Manually turns off the highlighted output.

Allows the highlighted output to be controlled by the CyClean.



Returns to the previous screen.


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