DM-0018_CleanWorx™ CyClean™ 35_IOM_Rev1.2

5.3) Understanding a Wash Recipe The CyClean 35 consists of three (3) semi-programmable Wash Recipes identified as “SHORT”, “MEDIUM”, and “LONG”. Changes made to setpoints under a specific Wash Recipe are independent of the other Wash Recipes, meaning that if you change a setpoint on one Wash Recipe, that same setpoint will remain unchanged on the other Wash Recipes. Each Wash Recipe consists of four (4) primary Steps, identified as “PRE-RINSE”, “WASH”, “RINSE”, and “SANITIZE”. These Steps may not always be used, but they will always run in that specific ordered sequence, as shown below.





Each Step within a Wash Recipe consists of several Operations that run in the background, such as “open fill water valve” or “run pump”. These Operations are hard coded and always happen in a specific sequence within a Step. Specific portions of these Operations can be configured through user-editable Setpoints, such as “runtime”, “temperature”, or “conductivity”. This sequence is the foundation of every Wash Recipe, but every application is different, and every company has unique processes. As a result, the CyClean Wash Recipes are adaptable to accommodate various situations by editing select available Setpoints. Each Step of a Wash Recipe is addressed in detail below, listing the intent and editable Setpoints. These are recommendations and not guarantees for ideal functionality. It is the responsibility of the end user to determine the ideal recipe for their unique application. Setpoints must be met to allow the runtime to countdown. If a setpoint drops below it’s set value, the runtime counter will pause and the CyClean will activate the appropriate operations until the setpoint is met. Once the setpoint is met, the runtime counter will resume.


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