DM-0018_CleanWorx™ CyClean™ 35_IOM_Rev1.2

In general, when a Wash Recipe fails to clean a part, a good starting point is to increase the runtime, temperature, or chemical Setpoint in a given Step . To help determine the effectiveness of each Step, the user can pause the active Wash Recipe, to carefully open the door and inspect the parts. For example, if the user pauses the Wash Recipe after the pre-rinse Step , inspects the parts, and notices they are still heavily soiled, the pre-rinse Step runtime or temperature Setpoints may need to be increased to remove more soils before entering a wash step. WARNING: Utilize proper PPE and plant approved safety precautions when pausing the Wash Recipe and opening the door as chemicals and/or water up to 185°F may be present. It is important to note that modifying the Wash Recipe can only do so much. If the CyClean is unable to clean after several modifications to the Wash Recipe , consider looking at other possible solutions such as using a different chemical or positioning the part differently. Once it is established that the part is positioned so that the dirty surfaces are getting sprayed by the Cyclonejet 360° Spray Arm and that the appropriate chemical is being used, modifying the Wash Recipe Setpoints should be focused on. There is no guarantee that the CyClean will be able to clean every part in every possible application. If product soils are difficult to remove or parts have complex geometry, contact your local sales representative to discuss further.


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