DM-0018_CleanWorx™ CyClean™ 35_IOM_Rev1.2


The operational temperature of this unit may cause burns. Avoid unnecessary contact with equipment. Operators should use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when directly involved in the normal operations of this equipment.

6. Release all stored energy sources before servicing equipment.

7. Shut off air supply and depressurize before removing air operated valves from equipment.

8. Make certain that the pump is off and residual pressure in the supply piping is relieved before dismantling any piping.

9. Drain equipment before servicing. Residual water may remain on the bottom of the CyClean after each Wash Recipe. The bottom of the cabinet acts as part of the sump for the supply pump (follow operator control description for draining).

10. Repair any leaks in piping connections immediately.

11. Do not open the door of the CyClean if the machine is in operation or CycloneJet 360° Spray Arm is still in motion.

12. Avoid direct human contact with discharge of high pressure nozzle if unit is in operation.

13. Do not place objects other than specifically designed Sanitation Carts manufactured by CleanWorx into this machine.

14. Periodically examine chemical supply equipment and piping for proper operation and / or leaks and repair as necessary.

15. Shut off hot water source before servicing anything related to the hot water line.

16. Eye wash and safety shower should be in close proximity to the equipment area installation.


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