DM-0018_CleanWorx™ CyClean™ 35_IOM_Rev1.2

8.5) Stainless Steel Care Warranty Disclaimer

Corrosion from poor practices, damage or halogen (such as chlorine, iodine, etc.) containing solutions is not covered by our manufacturer’s warranty.

General Information for the Care of Stainless Steel Processing Equipment

Dissimilar metals such as iron, brass, nickel alloy, copper, aluminum, etc., must not be present in any part of a Clean-Out-of-Place (COP) cleaning system since they may cause an electrolytic action and pitting of stainless steel surfaces. For example: Iron deposits such as iron pipe scales will adhere to a stainless steel surface and act as an oxygen shield allowing the media to actively react with the stainless steel. Passivation and/or grinding and polishing may be required to stop the action once the source of contamination has been corrected. Sample passivation procedures are available from CleanWorx upon request. Chlorine or iodine in either liquid, moist vapor, or gas form is very corrosive, and no stainless steel surface should be exposed to these type sanitizers for more than a few minutes. (Especially do not allow these to evaporate dry on a hot surface). No type of stainless steel will withstand exposures to chlorine or iodine in any form without corrosive attack to the stainless steel! Chlorinated caustics are commonly used today for cleaning. The chlorine additive does speed up the cleaning process. The important thing the user must realize is that such solutions must be thoroughly rinsed from all stainless steel surfaces. If followed by acid treatment, a rinse is even more important. Should an acid treatment come in contact with chlorinated caustic, a violent chemical reaction will take place and lethal amounts of chlorine gas may be released in the equipment and building. Follow instructions of chemical manufacturer or chemical supplier. Periodic acid type treatments will tend to mildly passivate the entire system to remove iron buildup or mineral deposits and help re-establish the oxide layer that gives stainless steel its corrosion resistance. Visually inspect all stainless steel surfaces when they are dry and insist on such inspection on new equipment every other day and thereafter every two weeks. Surfaces must look and feel clean without any coating or stains. Stains or

CleanWorx ™ CyClean ™ 35 IOM

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