DM-0018_CleanWorx™ CyClean™ 35_IOM_Rev1.2

discoloration may be due to strong cleaning or bactericidal treatments, improper rinsing, etc. (may begin to show as an etch and then pitting). Again, it is extremely important to follow your chemical supplier’s written instructions explicitly as to strength of solutions, pre-rinse, wash, rinse and acid treatments, final rinse, safety and disposal etc., also as to temperature and timing cycle. Because of the human element involved, in our opinion, all COP systems should be automated with adjustable (secured) timing devices and automatic temperature controls so as to insure against the danger of improper cycles (lack of rinses), improper temperatures, etc. Recording devices would also be beneficial to management in determining that proper methods are being used in the daily cleaning and sanitizing of stainless steel equipment being cleaned in place.


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