SSB-0003_System Automation_Brochure_Rev1.0

Cleaning Cycle Recipes • Automa�cally controlled via the PLC • Create up to (40) different unique recipes

• Up to (96) individual steps (OpCodes) per recipe • The system is programmed with up to (96) unique OpCodes • Each recipe has its own setpoint values (e.g., �me, temperature, conduc�vity) which are adjustable • Measured process variables have alarms with adjustable high/low setpoint values. • The operator will have the ability to ini�ate, monitor and edit (with correct security level) the wash cycle, recipes, and setpoint values via the HMI. HMI Screens Overview • Controller • Overview - general P&ID screen of cleaning system where a user can Start / Stop / Abort / View

Sani-Matic, Inc. (p) 800-356-3300 (f) 608-222-5348

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