Note (1a)
Notes 1. The remaining area includes the following sections: a. Bottom Header –Cycle data specific to this cycle in tabs (NOTE: not all tabs may show if not applicable to the configured system. Process data is pulled and sorted automatically based on the Tag Name – see Facility Page – System Properties (Update Property Data) for information on naming)
i. Temperature – interactive analog chart that shows all temperature analog values for the duration of the cycle ii. Conductivity – interactive analog chart that shows all conductivity analog values for the duration of the cycle iii. Flow – interactive analog chart that shows all flow analog values for the duration of the cycle iv. Pressure – interactive analog chart that shows all pressure analog values for the duration of the cycle v. Level – interactive analog chart that shows all level (e.g., tank, sump) analog values for the duration of the cycle vi. Approval – area to view existing comments and record new comments for the selected cycle, along with approval/disapproval input vii. Download – area to download a printable or PDF version of the cycle report
DM-0013_Digital Process Recorder (DPR)_IOM_Rev2.0
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