SaniTrend ® Cloud – Audit Trail (CR Insights+)
NOTES: • Requires that the equipment be connected to the Internet (by others) • Find more information and tier comparisons on our SaniTrend ® Cloud website page
10.10 Conduit There are two (2) options that can replace the standard PVC conduit option: • The PVC Coated Pipe Conduit option utilizes Rob Roy PVC coated conduit and provides a cost-effective hybrid solution where a UL listed PVC coating covers rigid steel tubing This option has the following specifications: − Rigid Conduit: PVC coated steel − Flexible Conduit and Fittings: UL listed PVC coated steel with stainless steel fittings • The Stainless Steel Conduit option provides superior corrosion resistance and protection for all electrical system routings This option has the following specifications: − Rigid Conduit: SCH 40 stainless steel − Flexible Conduit and Fittings: UL listed PVC coated steel with stainless steel fittings 10.11 Water Addition The standard system comes with two (2) water addition ports, allowing for a customer to install connections for up to two (2) separate water connections based on the connection size and type listed in Table 2: Utility Requirements The Dual Water Ports with (1) or (2) Pneumatic Valve(s) option adds a pneumatically controlled angle-seat valve to the water inlet port (quantity based on option selection) This option will provide a hygienic valving solution and will change the connection size / type listed in Table 2: Utility Requirements to 15" FNPT (quantity based on option selection) 10.12 Chemical Addition The standard system comes with three (3) chemical ports, allowing for a customer to install connections for up to three (3) separate chemical injections based on the connection size and type listed in Table 2: Utility Requirements The Triple Chemical Ports with (1), (2), or (3) Chemical Blocking Valve(s) option adds a check valve and a pneumatically controlled diaphragm valve to a chemical injection port (quantity based on option selection) The check valve inlet is remotely mounted on the side of the cabinet and will change the connection size / type listed in Table 2: Utility Requirements to 05" Tube (quantity based on option selection) This option provides both a hygienic valving solution and ensures a greater level of safety by providing zero leakage 23
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