SSB-0003_System Automation_Brochure_Rev1.0


System Automa�on Be smarter about your sanitary process automa�on partner

Be smarter about your sanitary process automa�on partner Sani-Ma�c’s in-house programming team of sanitary system automa�on experts is unmatched in experience and exper�se. Whether it is designing a custom graphics HMI screen, adding domain security to an HMI login, or integra�ng the automated controls of the CIP system with the process tanks and systems that it is cleaning, our team has seen (and can do) it all.

“My process systems and equipment don’t need to integrate with my CIP system.” – said no one, ever.

Congratulations! You’ve just bought an automated CIP skid and are on the path to integra�ng it into your process! If you haven’t already, you’ll soon discover that to get to that “just hit start and walk away” point, there’s a lot of automa�on work to make everything work well together. Enter the Sani-Ma�c programming team. For every automated cleaning system that comes through our facility, an expert programmer from Sani-Ma�c is assigned to take the process requirements that have been iden�fied before and that come up during (hey, we know things change) during project design and transform that into a fully designed and tested system prior to leaving our facility. These programmers also support our in-field service team once the system is at your site and being start-up and integrated into your process – and, they can work with your other system integrators (in-house or 3rd party) and guide them through the automated cleaning system integra�on process – something that an equipment only provider. Do you have custom requirements? There’s a good chance that’s a “yes”- and we can accommodate. With our decades of knowledge and industry leading exper�se, we have iden�fied common op�onal system automa�on add-ons for you to select. Or, we can customize even further to meet your exact process needs. As a Rockwell Automa�on Partner OEM Company, we have the tools and partnerships ready to service any challenge your process may have.

Sani-Matic, Inc. (p) 800-356-3300 (f) 608-222-5348









System Automation Each automated cleaning system is set up to be automated, yet fully flexible. We do this through OpCodes (or Steps) – the building blocks – that can create any cleaning cycle recipe and adjustable set points for the critical parameters of the system like TACT (Time, Action, Chemical, Temperature). OpCodes are the building blocks for the cleaning cycle phases you’re familiar with – a rinse phase, a chemical wash phase, a final rinse phase – which compile all together to build the specific Cleaning Cycle Recipe that will clean your particular process tank or line circuit – every time.

Cleaning Cycle Recipes • Automa�cally controlled via the PLC • Create up to (40) different unique recipes

• Up to (96) individual steps (OpCodes) per recipe • The system is programmed with up to (96) unique OpCodes • Each recipe has its own setpoint values (e.g., �me, temperature, conduc�vity) which are adjustable • Measured process variables have alarms with adjustable high/low setpoint values. • The operator will have the ability to ini�ate, monitor and edit (with correct security level) the wash cycle, recipes, and setpoint values via the HMI. HMI Screens Overview • Controller • Overview - general P&ID screen of cleaning system where a user can Start / Stop / Abort / View

Sani-Matic, Inc. (p) 800-356-3300 (f) 608-222-5348

Alarms / Select Recipe • Monitor screen – monitor actual and setpoint process variables • Alarms screen – acknowledge current and view past alarms • Recipe Select screen – select a cleaning cycle recipe to run • U�lity • Run u�li�es (e.g., water fill, drain) outside of a cleaning cycle recipe • Edit Menu • Edit Recipes & setpoint screens • Maintenance screens – manual on, off, or auto inputs/outputs, check input status, configure PID controllers (if applicable) • Edit user security screens – setup and maintain users • Alarm History • Alarms screen – acknowledge current and view past alarms Login and Security • (50) Unique user logins • Users are classified into (3) Security levels. External Controls & Integra�on • Heartbeat communica�ons via Ethernet with one external system • Up to (3) externals controls (e.g., control of remote rou�ng valves, transfer panel proximity switches, process tank agitators) • Edit date & �me screen • Configure PanelView Plus

Sani-Matic, Inc. (p) 800-356-3300 (f) 608-222-5348

Processes, users, and facili�es are all unique – that is no surprise. During the specifica�on and ordering of the system mechanical and electrical components, we offer many op�ons and choices because “one size does not fit all” when it comes to your automated cleaning system. Automa�on should be no different – some�mes you need a li�le bit more customiza�on in not only what your system is, but what it does. Our standard system automa�on op�ons include: • Custom HMI Screen – Text System Automation Standard Options

• Custom HMI Screen – Graphics • Addi�onal User Security Levels • Ac�ve Directory Authen�ca�on • Addi�onal External Controls

Just ask – our experts are ready to listen to your process needs and find out how we can help customize your automa�on. Other customiza�on examples include: • Other programming controls systems (e.g., Siemens) Need Something More?

• Badge Readers for badged access to the system • Further integra�on help with onsite equipment • Control of System via Addi�onal Remote HMI Panel(s)

Sani-Matic, Inc. (p) 800-356-3300 (f) 608-222-5348

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